Biblical Discoveries
These thirty discoveries are drawn from Exilic Code (2009), Shaphan Group (2011), Huldah (2012), and Ezekiel to Jesus (2017). All pertain to the Jewish Exile or the New Testament's Son of Man.
The discoveries are:
- Athbash with 22 spelling variations
- Anagrams: coded letters within single text word
- Coded writing: one coded letter per text word
- Word Links: unique set of words in only two linked passages
- Chi-square probability: below .001 probability of occurrence
- Scribe Shaphan heads DH family group in monarchy and Exile
- Micaiah leads in writing most of DH (Joshua–Second Kings)
- Shaphan group substantially influences Writings and Prophets
- Ezra and Daniel are authentic exilic leaders
- Ezra heads P Source group
- During Exile Ezra and Jozadak vie for Chief Priest
- Huldah’s exilic leadership
- Huldah writes much of Psalms, edits Jeremiah and Ezekiel
- Huldah is Proverbs’ Foreign Woman and Woman of Worth
- Huldah lays foundation for Yom Kippur
- Cyrus leads Egypt-based revolt
- For year Cyrus marches with Ezra, Huldah, Jacob, and Baruch
- Catastrophic defeat at Jerusalem in 573
- Persecution in Babylonia follows Cyrus revolt
- Ezekiel, the Son of Man, is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52–53
- Ezekiel dies as a substitute king
- Ezekiel’s death is redemptive—frees Jewish captives
- Revolt’s failure leads to establishing Yom Kippur
- Ezekiel, Jehoiachin, Daniel, and others executed as substitute kings
- Priestly Benediction is hymn to Jehoiachin
- Jesus chooses Son of Man title to parallel Ezekiel’s redemptive death
- Isaiah 53 and Daniel 7 yield two types of substitute king
- Mark favors influence of Isaiah-53 type of substitute by 2 to 1
- Matthew and Luke evenly split between Daniel 7 and Isaiah 53
- Gospels portray Jesus as a substitute king.